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Europe’s top 20 startups in cleantech, digital tech and healthtech selected at the 2017 European Venture Contest Final

The 11th edition of the Tech Tour European Venture Contest (EVC) Final took place on the 11-12 of December 2017 at the Düsseldorf Congress Centre, uniting 125 up and coming entrepreneurs and 100 investors and industry representatives for a 2-day pitching, networking and idea-sharing spree. These companies were filtered from over 1250 applications and 600 pitches held throughout Tech Tour’s 2017 calendar of events.

EVC Final selection process

The 125 presenting companies were invited as the top-rated companies of the Tech Tour European Venture Contest, selected over a series of 18 regional or sector–focused qualifying events which compose the Final Contest. These 125 companies were reviewed online and onsite by investors and the investor jury on 6 criteria. The Top 20 winners got the highest review ratings following online screening and onsite pitches. One of the winners is the biotech company Noscendo.

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